When my son was born, I looked down on him in wonder. He responded by sending a stream of urine up my arm. While funny in the moment, this wasn't unlike how I'd treated my own father. Even well into my twenties, I lived like a boy.

Wanting something better for my son, I became a student of manhood. What I uncovered—the five marks of a man—are the primal code every man of consequence in history has lived by.

What separates men from boys isn't age, relationship status, or career aspirations. The difference is in how they live. Boys live passively, men live intentionally.

In a world that needs courageous manhood now more than ever, the five marks provide an accessible path forward.

With tens of thousands of copies sold worldwide, this new edition of The Five Marks of a Man includes the life-changing concepts from the original, repackaged with new cover art, updates throughout, and an all-new preface by Brian Tome.

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This ain’t your grandma’s study guide, because (a) you aren’t a grandma and (b) studying sucks. Designed to get you off the couch, this tactical guide includes personal challenges, discussion questions, and opportunities to take new ground. If you do it right, you’ll destroy this book while growing in each of the five marks. Men rise to meet challenges. Will you?

Can be used individually, but ideal for group settings.

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A companion to the bestselling book of the same name, The Five Marks of a Man Devotional isn't a sit-and-get devotional. It's a get-up-and-go guide to building the most transcendent, exhilarating, and impactful life possible. Created to get you working toward the goal, each reading contains Scripture, a short thought, a prayer, and two challenges designed to build muscle in living life by the marks.
Because it's not what you think but what you do that gives your life power. It's time to get moving.

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